Series: Coastal observing systems Episode 3 : Focus on biodiversity and coastal ecosystems

June, 20th

2:00 PM (UTC+2)

What indicators seem relevant for studying marine and terrestrial coastal ecosystems? How to observe biodiversity and realize long-term monitoring? How to coordinate the collect of various types of data, especially when different structures are required? This episode sheds light on the process of collecting, analysing, reappropriation of data on biodiversity and coastal ecosystems.


Series: Coastal observing systems Episode 3 : Focus on biodiversity and coastal ecosystems

June, 20th

What indicators seem relevant for studying marine and terrestrial coastal ecosystems? How to observe biodiversity and realize long-term monitoring? How to coordinate the collect of various types of data, especially when different structures are required? This episode sheds light on the process of collecting, analysing, reappropriation of data on biodiversity and coastal ecosystems.


Christelle BERANGER, Head of the Biodiversity Observing System of Martinique
Gwenaelle DELARUELLE, Marine Environment Project Manager at Andromede Oceaonologie
Gérard ROCAMORA, President of the NGO Island Biodiversity Conservation (IBC) in Seychelles

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© Louis-Marie Préau