Webinar – Exchanges with Mediterranean journalists on the challenges of islands, coasts and oceans.

March 4th

IIn partnership with the COPEAM, the Rhone Mediterranean Corsica Water Agency and the Conservatoire du littoral have built a project to give a “Different view of the Mediterranean”. Through interviews with specialists and inhabitants of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, this journalistic and artistic project aims to illustrate the reality of the territories and the impacts of global changes on activities and human lives. Within this framework, the partners of ICO Solutions wished to share their expertise in relation to these changes and the stakes involved with the journalists associated with this project to enable them to put into perspective the knowledge of specialists and the realities of daily life on the shores of the Basin.

@ Louis-Marie Préau

Technical documents:

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Webinar – Exchanges with Mediterranean journalists on the challenges of islands, coasts and oceans.

March 4th

IIn partnership with the COPEAM, the Rhone Mediterranean Corsica Water Agency and the Conservatoire du littoral have built a project to give a “Different view of the Mediterranean”. Through interviews with specialists and inhabitants of the countries bordering the Mediterranean, this journalistic and artistic project aims to illustrate the reality of the territories and the impacts of global changes on activities and human lives. Within this framework, the partners of ICO Solutions wished to share their expertise in relation to these changes and the stakes involved with the journalists associated with this project to enable them to put into perspective the knowledge of specialists and the realities of daily life on the shores of the Basin.

@ Louis-Marie Préau


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© Louis-Marie Préau