Series : Blue Carbon

Episode 2 : Blue carbon projects

June 22nd

4:00pm (UTC+2)

While the first episode of this webinar series provides a clearer picture of the complex blue carbon market, the second will focus on feedback from blue carbon projects. Certifications, development of methodologies, project evaluation, generation of carbon credits, etc. Various players will talk about their projects, providing an insight into their implementation, results and limitations.

Series : Blue Carbon

June 22nd

While the first episode of this webinar series provides a clearer picture of the complex blue carbon market, the second will focus on feedback from blue carbon projects. Certifications, development of methodologies, project evaluation, generation of carbon credits, etc. Various players will talk about their projects, providing an insight into their implementation, results and limitations.


Adeline Favrel - Carbon Certification Project Manager, I4CE
Steven Canty - Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Valentin Bouvier - Principal Portfolio & Partnerships Manager, EcoAct
Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem - Director of Research in Social Sciences, IRD
Steven Canty, research biologist - Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Jaxine Wolfe, data manager - Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

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© Louis-Marie Préau