Reflection on the financing of « no-take zones »

September 8th

4:30 – 6:30pm

The proposed initiative will aim to contribute to the long-term effective management, and sustainable financing of Highly Protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea. A workshop will be organized during the WCC to present and discuss the new initiative and to refine the selection criteria for the call for projects and the timetable. Working languages : French and English

@Zafer Kızılkaya

Reflection on the financing of « no-take zones »

September 8th

The proposed initiative will aim to contribute to the long-term effective management, and sustainable financing of Highly Protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea. A workshop will be organized during the WCC to present and discuss the new initiative and to refine the selection criteria for the call for projects and the timetable. Working languages : French and English

@Zafer Kızılkaya


Conservatoire du Littoral
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Network of Marine Protected Areas managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN)
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative
MAVA Fondation

Register for workshops

© Louis-Marie Préau