Mediterranean wetlands and lagoons

July 6th

10:00 – 12:30 am

During this webinar (in French), actors involved in the management, restoration and enhancement of Mediterranean wetlands will present examples of implementation of concerted actions involving multiple local stakeholders. Debates will complete the exchanges between participants and speakers.

@Louis-Marie Préau

Mediterranean wetlands and lagoons

July 6th

During this webinar (in French), actors involved in the management, restoration and enhancement of Mediterranean wetlands will present examples of implementation of concerted actions involving multiple local stakeholders. Debates will complete the exchanges between participants and speakers.

@Louis-Marie Préau


Annick Mievre – Agence de l’eau RMC
François Fouchier – Conservatoire du littoral
Didier Réault – Rivages de France
Flavio Monti – MedWet
Stéphane Marcie – Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Robert Bunet – Institut Paul Ricard
Sylvain Courvay – Institut Paul Ricard
Hocein Bazairi – Université de Rabat
Agnès d’Artigues – Syndicat mixte du bassin de Thau
Raphaël Grisel – Syndicat mixte pour l’étang de Berre, GIPREB
Sami Ben Haj – Association MAN

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© Louis-Marie Préau