Echoes of the shores
A collection of 50 international contributions by journalists, professionals and students, on the theme of coastal conservation.

To mark its 50th anniversary, the Conservatoire du littoral, through its Europe & International delegation, is launching « Echoes of the Shores – 50 stories of coastal conservation from around the world ».
This call for contributions, aimed at journalists, professionals and students from around the world, aims to get people talking about the world’s coastalines, their challenges, their beauty, their preservation and the stories they tell. It will build up a collection of 50 photos, videos, writings and sound recordings that will tell the story of a coastline and the history of its conservation. An emblematic species or ecosystem? A striking event? A key player in the history of its protection? Specific cultural or heritage values preserved over the years ? Battles that have marked its history? Tell us about it in the Echoes of the shores collection!
From all the contributions submitted, the organising committee will select 50 contributions for the Echoes of the shores collection. The best contributions in the collection will be honoured. Special mentions and 5 prizes (1 per category: audiovisual, written, photo, audio, student) will be awarded by the juries. The 5 winners will each have the opportunity to take part in an international mission organised as part of one of the international cooperation projects supported by the Conservatoire du Littoral.

- Launch – February 2025
- Application deadline : 15 May 2025
- Winners announcement : Autumn 2025
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